Young Sky Blues ready to pounce

Up and coming Sydney FC coach Jimmy Van Weeren understands the important role he has in steering the future stars of the Sky Blues to hopeful A-League contracts as he prepares for a huge 2020 National Premier Leagues NSW Men’s season with his young brigade of talented players.
Van Weeren has managed to retain a number of his 2019 players with the likes of experienced NPL NSW Men’s youngsters Jordi Swibel, Benjamin Koop, Jaiden Kucharski, Marco Tilio, Ryan Teague, Thomas Fay and Callum Talbot all agreeing to terms with the club.
The club has promoted a number of their 20s and 18s players to its senior NPL squad in line with further developing their careers playing against senior NPL NSW Men’s opposition.
Under 20 players Jake Hollman, Calem Nieuwenhof, Aaron Gurd, Fletcher McFarlane, Scott Browning, Thomas Main, Adam Pavlesic and Levi Kaye have all earned themselves deals as have young under 18 players Cameron Peupion, Anton Mlinaric, Cameron Fong, Jayden Trenkoski.
Yinka Sunmola is the only fresh-faced youngster that has been recruited by Van Weeren outside of the club with the Sky Blues facing Mt Druitt Town Rangers at Popondetta Park on Sunday 1st of March (2pm) for their round 1 NPL NSW Men’s opener.
Sydney FC 2020: Yinka Sunmola, Jordi Swibel, Benjamin Koop, Jaiden Kucharski, Marco Tilio, Ryan Teague, Thomas Fay, Callum Talbot, Jake Hollman, Calem Nieuwenhof, Aaron Gurd, Fletcher McFarlane, Scott Browning, Thomas Main, Adam Pavlesic, Levi Kaye, Cameron Peupion, Anton Mlinaric, Cameron Fong, Jayden Trenkoski